Some call it MAGIC (Glastonbury, Wells, Cheddar – eng/pl)

ATTENTION: Now you can zoom the pictures (unfortunatelly, they will open in a new tab), which I advise to do, due to the compressed quality of pictures on minatures. You know the feeling when you have to (or want to) wake up early to go somewhere or do something, but in the morning you just … Continue reading Some call it MAGIC (Glastonbury, Wells, Cheddar – eng/pl)

How to Italy in England – Bath (eng/pl)

Before I start - it's nothing wrong when someone says " I was staying in Bath with my family for the past couple of days". Probably they mean the city of Bath - not bath bath. Don't ask. Sometimes it's just hard to be a foreigner... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zanim zacznę - nie ma nic złego w tym, że ktoś … Continue reading How to Italy in England – Bath (eng/pl)

Remember, keep away from the cliff’s edge (Bristol, eng/pl)

How do you imagine the great adventure? For me it's visiting and exploring new places - obviously. But what kind of places? Nature, folks. Nature. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jak wyobrażacie sobie wielką przygodę? Dla mnie jest to zwiedzanie i eksplorowanie nowych miejsc - oczywiście. Ale jakich miejsc? Naturę, kochani. Naturę. City can surprise you. It can obviously be … Continue reading Remember, keep away from the cliff’s edge (Bristol, eng/pl)